
Scientific conferences
Natural Mobility has been presented on:

  • Occupational Health for Health Care Workers in Stockholm 1994, Edinburgh 1997, Montreal 1999.
  • Physiotherapy-days from 1997-2019 (every second year)
  • World conference for occupational therapists, Stockholm 2002.
  • Eu-conference for physiotherapists, Wien 2003.
  • Nordic research symposium for physiotherapists Stockholm 1997, Reykjavik 2000, Helsingör 2005.
  • World conference for physiotherapists, Vancover 2007
  • Horizon State level conference, Maharashtra, India 2009, Goa, India 2012
  • ICED, conference, 2014

My research experiences involve:

  • A questionnaire evaluation, an interview study. I was responsible as a course leader, for the data collection and the data analysis.
  • An Intervention study with questionnaire, weekly notes and indirect observations were performed between 2004-2005. I was responsible as a teacher for data collection and data analysis.
  • My doctoral thesis “Movement awareness and communication in patient transfer – an educational intervention” was defended September 2009, Karolinska institutet, division of physiotherapy.
  • Action research KISAM, implementing national guidlines (National Board of Health and Welfare, 2010) for persons with dementia.